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The Beauty of & Healing from the Music of Vintage Pianos, together with the Instruments' Aesthetics,  serve as the Main Source of Inspiration for providing Our Piano Restoration Work. 

     Restoring Pianos since 1970, the hundreds of Vintage Piano restorations performed have spanned 5 decades, have constituted my Life's Work, and the work is ongoing.  I have always been inspired by the incomparable sound produced by playing many types of Vintage Pianos. To 'restore the soul' of a vintage piano by restoring it, has always been a true joy. It is important to also say that, over the same 50 year span, I have been Blessed with the assistance of many fine and dedicated persons ~ without whose caring & dedication to the craft ~ my success and longevity in the Piano Restoration trade would not have been possible ~ and for their help, I will always be grateful.  

     For the past many years, I have been working together with an especially talented & dedicated Piano Technician, who has served both to further the Mission of Vintage Grand Pianos in providing the finest of  Piano Restorations for our Clients, and to provide invaluable direction in the creation and proliferation of the Music created on our Vintage Pianos.

     In pointing the Moral Compass of our Music in the powerful direction toward both human & societal Healing, she has enabled its evolvement to the benefit of others, as they continue to provide us reinforcement of their self-described  powerful and beautiful message, which they have received from the Music.

     You may access/hear some of our Music, most of which has been recorded and played on our Vintage Restored Pianos, on Our YouTube Videos.  For Us, its about the Pianos, the Music, & the Message.  [You may also click on the red icon  arrow at the bottom of the page.]

          ~ For Our Clients/friends & for All Peoples of the World who strive to make Our World a better place ~

       We Wish For You... ...